WorldWide Index
03 May 2024
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Kingdom of morocco (MA)


 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
446,550 km2
Moroccan dirhams (MAD)
Latitude / Longitude
32 00 5 00 W
GDP (PPP) per capita
5,100 $

Ouargazene | Ouarmout | Ouarziene | Oudinine | Oulad ahmed | Oulad ali tlig | Oulad amrane el krouta | Oulad amrane el mekki | Oulad ben allal | Oulad ben assas | Oulad ben ayyad | Oulad ben doud | Oulad ben said | Oulad ben tayeb | Oulad benayyad | Oulad bensar | Oulad bou hamida de talata | Oulad bou jenoun | Oulad bou melha | Oulad bouacha | Oulad bouchta ouarour | Oulad boudraa | Oulad boujemaa | Oulad boujnoun tlaya | Oulad boukhachou | Oulad chaehbi | Oulad chetouane | Oulad el ghoumari er rmel | Oulad el klai | Oulad haddad | Oulad hamid kherichfa | Oulad hammou | Oulad hammou ben ali | Oulad hammou khazhal | Oulad jaber | Oulad jemil | Oulad jilali | Oulad khalkhal | Oulad khazaal | Oulad mesbah | Oulad moussa | Oulad ouchich | Oulad said | Oulad sedra | Oulad skhar | Oulad soultane | Oulad soultane tarkount | Oulad tnoun bounkab | Oulad zitoun | Ouled yahya | Oum er ras |
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