WorldWide Index
21 May 2024
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Co-operative republic of guyana (GY)

America/Guyana/Guyana (general)

 Main Airports |  Weather Stations |  Major mountains |  City & Town Population
Land Area
214,969 km2
Guyanese dollars (GYD)
Latitude / Longitude
5 00 59 00 W
GDP (PPP) per capita
7,500 $

Name not known

Alternates names : Arawana-pawa - Arawanapau - Arowana-Pawa Falls - Coordinates
UTM : SD72
Geographical coordinates in decimal degrees (WGS84)
Latitude : 2.967
Longitude : -59.950
Geographical coordinates in degrees minutes seconds (WGS84)
Latitude : 2 58' 00''
Longitude : -59 57' 00''

Sunrise : 11:48:25
Sunset : 00:04:29

Places near Name not known
Arikiraba mountain - Ataleiro river - Goradeidra mountain - Kanerwau river - Karapat mountain - Kariwapawa fall - Machpawa falls - Name not known - Pauisin fall - Pawis-pawa falls - Saru-pawa falls - Skabunk river - Tawarwau river - Urumatukwau creek -

Name not known in other countries
Argentina - Austria - Bolivia - Belarus - Brazil - Bulgaria - Chile - Colombia - Ecuador - Ireland - Finland - Greece - Hungary - Montenegro - Serbia -
Name not known
Satellite view of Name not known

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